Payroll Services
For Small Businesses
Bosaf Tax: Streamlined Payroll Solutions for Small Businesses
Managing payroll can be a time-consuming and complex task for small business owners, thanks to numerous laws and IRS regulations. On average, small business owners spend eight hours a month on payroll functions. That's 12 full days a year that could be better spent on growing your business.
At Bosaf Tax, we offer payroll solutions tailored to your business needs, allowing you to focus
on running your company.
Why Outsource Your Payroll to Bosaf Tax?
Utilize your staff more efficiently by outsourcing payroll and related legal tasks to us.
Reduce overhead by eliminating the need for specialized payroll employees.
Our payroll service removes the burden of maintaining your payroll system, data entry, and staying updated with new laws.
Worry-Free Payroll Tax Filing
Avoid the risks of calculating and filing your own payroll taxes. Our professionals handle federal, state, and local payroll tax laws, which are frequently changing and complex.
Focus on Core Competencies
With our expert staff managing your payroll, you can concentrate on the core aspects of your business.
Comprehensive Reports
Receive a variety of user-friendly and accurate payroll reports. We also offer union
reports, certified payroll, and workers' compensation reports for a nominal fee. Customized Payroll Solutions
We understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to payroll services. That's why we
offer three custom payroll processing options:
1. Comprehensive Payroll Services Our all-inclusive service manages your entire payroll process, ensuring:​
Timely preparation and printing of payroll checks.
Secure laser-printed checks on "blank" check stock meeting Federal Reserve standards.
Free direct deposits.
Hassle-free IRS and state tax reporting, including EFTPS tax deposits.
Easy-to-understand monthly, quarterly, and annual payroll tax reports, including W-2, W-3, and 1099 forms.
Detailed tracking of employee vacation, sick days, and personal day accruals.
Creation and filing of required new hire reports.
Maintenance of impeccable payroll records
2. After-the-Fact Payroll Services We process your manually prepared payroll records, ensuring:
Hassle-free IRS and state tax reporting, including EFTPS tax deposits.
User-friendly monthly, quarterly, and annual payroll tax reports, including W-2, W-3, and 1099 forms.
Detailed reports on employee vacation, sick days, and personal day accruals.
Creation and filing of required new hire reports.
Maintenance of impeccable payroll records.
3. Online Payroll Processing Enter your employees' hours and earnings securely online to:
Instantly print payroll checks on your own printer.
Enjoy free direct deposits.
Hassle-free IRS and state tax reporting, including EFTPS tax deposits.
User-friendly monthly, quarterly, and annual payroll tax reports, including W-2, W-3, and 1099 forms.
Detailed reports on employee vacation, sick days, and personal day accruals.
Creation and filing of required new hire reports.
Maintenance of impeccable payroll records.
Affordable Pricing
To provide an accurate quote for our payroll services, we need to know more about your
business and the services you require. Our prices are very affordable.
Let Bosaf Tax handle your payroll, so you can focus on growing your business.
For a free consultation and complete pricing of our Payroll Processing Services, please complete
the form below.